

2008年11月20日 星期四

Goose liver pate saurse

Goose liver pate saurse
Bones from the pigeon           4
Shallot(chopped)                80g
Madera wine                     1/2cup
Red wine                        1/2cup
Brown stock                     1cup
Goose liver pate                        2-3 tbsp
Butter                          2 tbsp

1.Fry bones I.e neck,wing tips of the pigeon in a small heavy-bottom sauce pan with butter.
Fry over high heat until the bones are bron and caramalized.
2.Add the shallot and keep frying until a layer starts to coat the bottom of pan.scrap the the bottom of pan clean with a wooden spoon.keep roasting in pan over medium heat for quite a while,scrapping the bottom now and then.

3.add the madera and red wine bring to a simmer(heat).simmer gently until the liquid is reduced by half.
4. Add the brown stock again bring to a gentle simmer until the liquid measure to 1 cup
5. Next day reheat the sauce and bring to boil, switch off heat. Pour the hot sauce together with the goose liver pate into liquidizer, and whick until the sauce is completely emulsified with the pate.

6. Put the sauce through a sieve.
7. Pour this into souce pan to gently reheat.finally whip in the butter.

*sauce with goose liver pate do not bring to boil because the pate will start to form lumps.
*fry bones at extremely high temperature to develop a deep brown caramalized crust which is essential to the flavor of the sauce.
